Uses This

A collection of nerdy interviews asking people from all walks of life what they use to get the job done.


Uses This, published twice a week, asks a random selection of people all about the tools and techniques they're using to get things done.


When are new interviews posted?
Every Tuesday and Thursday, Melbourne time.
Can I suggest someone to interview?
Absolutely! Send me the details!
Can I suggest myself for an interview?
I appreciate the offer! However, I always have a very, very (very) long and specific queue.
Is this some sort of Apple fan site?
Nope! Folks just like using their gear.
Can I make my own version of the site?
Absolutely! The whole site is freely available on GitHub! And if you do end up making your own, I'd love to see it.
Who runs the site?
I'm Daniel, a web developer in Melbourne, Australia.
How can I get in touch?
Send an email to the fourth letter of the English alphabet, followed by the 'at' symbol, care of this domain.
I'm using DigitalOcean to host the site, and if you sign up via this link I get credit towards my account.
The very talented Sophia Gracias!