Jill Jubinski
Lead of Community and Culture Programs at IBM Cloud
Who are you, and what do you do?
I'm Jill Jubinski, aka Hug Dispenser, Lead of Community and Culture Programs at IBM Cloud (until they give me a new title I'm going to keep making up cool ones). I currently reside in Seattle, WA, but grew up an Air Force Brat, so I've lived many places around the US (Texas being one, as you'll come to notice with all the y'alls that come out of my mouth). I'm a lover of humans and what makes them tick.
I have a Masters of Science in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and got my 'start' as an HR Generalist at a manufacturing company that makes slurpee machines (scouts honor, this is not a made up story). I feel fortunate to have worked at a company outside of technology, so I fully realize how ridiculous it is when people are complaining about not getting enough/the right kind of free snacks at work. Recruiting was a small part of this job (I actually used to pick candidates up from the airport myself!) and it's when I realized that it was probably my calling.
I use my natural curiosity to differentiate myself in the industry by engaging with candidates as people and not just seat fillers or dollar signs. I care about the individuals I hire and continue to build friendships with them long after I've hopefully helped them find jobs they love.
I get the majority of my joy in my life from my kids (who happen to be dogs; shout out to Noodle & Bean), my family (who live in St. Louis) and my friends (who are properly distributed around the globe so I can visit random places and never be alone).
Some of my quirky habits involve watching endless hours of beauty videos on YouTube, researching vegan cooking (even though I'm not vegan) and dancing in public.
What hardware do you use?
My day-to-day computer work happens on a 13 inch MacBook Air, 2015. I'm constantly on my iPhone 6S Plus (64GB), because I'm like every other millennial (okay, I'm barely a millennial, but let's disregard that fact) and feel the need to be connected at all times. I also have an iPhone 6 (16GB) - thanks IBM - I use for my work calls (trust me, you don't want all candidates knowing your personal cell number). Related, I often call my parents from my work phone because "my 6s Plus is too big to make calls on." I'm really dealing with some heavy #firstworldproblems in my life.
Music is an intricate part of my life so I'm typically using my Bose around the ear headphones (they have upgraded since I bought mine, and now I feel like I need these new ones). Am I the only person who doesn't like noise cancelling headphones?
Additionally, I still very much enjoy physically writing things down, so I have a notebook and pen on hand at all times, along with post-its, as I have a strong addiction.
And what software?
I work for IBM so I would be missing a good laugh if I didn't mention how I have to use Lotus Notes on a daily basis.
For quick notes during meetings/calls I am a huge fan of Evernote, which kind of stinks for me due to their recent subscription cost changes.
Twitter is my main tool for interacting with humans. I tweet an annoying amount and am pretty consistently having DM conversations. I refuse to use any platform for Twitter besides twitter.com and the Twitter app because I feel like others are unnecessarily complicated.
Microsoft Office Suite (PowerPoint, Excel, Word) are key players in my daily work life.
Slack is our inner office communication tool. Although I like Slack, it doesn't decrease the amount of emails I get and the more Slacks I get invited to, the more I find myself wanting to avoid it altogether. I assume a lot of this comes from not utilizing it 'correctly', but these are still my opinions.
LinkedIn Recruiter is a great tool for me to stalk people without them knowing. I very rarely message people on LinkedIn, unless it's dire straits, but I very often (even outside of work) look up people I meet on Recruiter.
What would be your dream setup?
I often daydream about a standup desk in my house (I live in an apartment right now, but I'm going all out fantasy in this answer) dressed with my MacBook Air and a 27 inch iMac with Retina 5K display. A sick Sonos setup would let me take those headphones off, and a large window is key because natural light makes me happy.
Since I was a little girl I've loved whiteboards (ask my mom, I'm weird) so my dream setup would include a whiteboard paint wall next to my computer.
Final touches would include two dog beds so I could bounce ideas off the girls, and we wouldn't mind a large, grassy backyard with a pool.