Uses This

A collection of nerdy interviews asking people from all walks of life what they use to get the job done.


There are 17 interviews in this category.

A picture of Estelle Caswell

Estelle Caswell

Animator, video journalist (Vox)

Posted in animator, journalist, mac, video

A picture of John Karel

John Karel

Freelance computer animator

Posted in animator, mac, windows

A picture of Ashlyn Anstee

Ashlyn Anstee

Director, storyboard artist (Nickelodeon)

Posted in animator, director, illustrator, mac, writer

A picture of Clayton Shonkwiler

Clayton Shonkwiler

Mathematician, animator

Posted in animator, mac, mathematician

A picture of Nicole Stafford

Nicole Stafford

Freelance 2D animator (Souviens Ten-Zan), designer

Posted in animator, designer, mac