Uses This

A collection of nerdy interviews asking people from all walks of life what they use to get the job done.


There are 140 interviews in this category.

A picture of Katherine Cox-Buday

Katherine Cox-Buday

Writer, computer scientist

Posted in bsd, developer, linux, writer

A picture of Paul Davis

Paul Davis

Developer (Ardour, JACK)

Posted in audio, developer, linux, mac

A picture of Bram Moolenaar

Bram Moolenaar

Developer (Vim)

Posted in bsd, developer, linux, mac, windows

A picture of Alice Maz

Alice Maz

Developer, cofounder (Sylph Bioscience)

Posted in developer, linux

A picture of Ziba Scott

Ziba Scott

Indie game developer (Popcannibal)

Posted in developer, game, linux, mac